Rückkehr in die Berge
Muu nimi/muut nimet: Returm from the Valley
Lajityyppi: Documentary film
Vuosi: 1950
Kesto: 00:13:43
Kuvaus: Greek villagers return to their homes in the mountains, destroyed first in the fight against the Germans and then in the civil war. The film shows how laboriously and agonizingly these people rebuild their lives with American help. © 2002 Linda R. Christenson
Avainsanat: VICTOR-E project / village / mountainside / displaced person / on the road / Marshall plan / ERP / war destruction / ruins / grave / field / farm / folklore
Sisältölähde: Deutsches Historisches Museum
Oikeudet: In Copyright / USIA - Embassy of the United States of America / Press Office, Berlin
Tuotantoyhtiö: Ferno Productions, Paris, for ECA Greece
Väri: Black & White
Ohjaaja: Nelo Risi
Sound: With sound
Kokoelma: Films of the Marshall Plan
Language: de